Wednesday 14 August 2013

Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows Part 2 First Thoughts

After playing the first Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows I inevitably wanted to play the second.

I picked up the game in a second hand store for £6.99 which I thought was pretty reasonable, although the first one I found enjoyable I didn't want to fork out the original price for the second one and therefore waited for the price to be reduced. 

First Thoughts

You are thrown into the game with a detailed cut scene where you play as Harry and are teamed with Hermione and Ron. I thought that the graphics were very good. You could clearly see who the characters were and the surroundings were also very detailed.

After the cut scene you were thrown into a fighting scene against guards. Your only spell to begin with is Stupefy but you are allowed to use other spells as you progress. After fighting the guards you continue the quest through Gringotts whilst fighting a lot more guards.

Along the way you can find floating symbols which can unlock characters (I'm not entirely sure what you do with the unlocked characters as of yet) and some symbols unlock challenge modes. These challenges can be accessed from the main menu and allow you to re-play fights but in a timed mode. You can then replay the challenges to beat your time.

After Gringotts you then have to find Honeydukes. Along the way you then fight  a lot more people and follow Hermione as she opens doors, your main job here is to protect her.

After this you then enter the school and are thrown straight into another battle with Snape. This time you also get to play as Professor McGonagall

My overall first thoughts of this game is that the graphics are very good. However the game play is very repetitive. you spend a lot of time using stupefy to kill enemies as this is the only attacking spell this gets quite boring. I am looking forward to how the game progresses and to see what other characters you become.


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